
Monday, August 29, 2011

Management Monday: Daily 5 Accountability!

How many of you use the Daily 5 in your teaching?  During the holiday season last year, I read The Daily Five  and LOVED the ideas that were introduced.
So, naturally, I completely revamped the way that I taught reading. I went from whole group instruction using a basal to working with novels and literature circles. I LOVED the change!  I was able to form greater relationships with my students, they were given more independence and freedom (which they adored), and students who were usually quiet started to pipe up and talk a LOT in a smaller group setting.  Our conversations were profound and my students literally blew my mind with what they were capable of!
Where my students ROCK MY WORLD!
Because I wanted to keep my 5th graders accountable for what they were doing during group rotations, I created this accountability sheet.  Students had 3 minutes to fill it out every day after our 1-hour literacy block.  I collected them on Friday.  If I noticed students were becoming "habitual" with their choices, I asked them to do something specific to increase their other skills.
Click me to download!
This year, literature circles will not be a part of my reality (*pout*) but I'm still using The Daily Five (albeit heavily modified) in conjunction with our new Reading Series. Now I just need to design a new accountability tool.....;)

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