
Monday, August 22, 2011

Management Monday: Homework Organization!

I feel like every single teacher I meet does homework differently.  They assign it differently.  They check it differently.  They grade it differently.  I could go on about homework forever, but I won't. (Mostly because I like you and I want to keep you coming back.)  This is how I personally organize and check my students' homework.
This is The Homework Hangout! ("Where all the cool homework comes to unwind.") Every student in my class is assigned a number.  Their number is tied to their status alphabetically, making it easier for me to track, record grades, organize papers, etc. As a part of their morning routine, students hand in their homework from the previous night here.  Their workbooks go in the appropriate bin and any worksheets that get assigned go into their designated pocket. 
Click me to download! :)
As the students finish up their morning work, part of MY morning routine is to check their homework.  I keep a clipboard hanging in this area of the classroom with our Homework Tracker on it.(You can see it hanging there to the right!)

I should also note that this Homework Tracker is a NECESSITY when completing the students' Friday Folders too!  It gives me a quick visual as to what was completed for the week.  (I put checks for a completed assignments, circles for incomplete assignments, write "Oops" in the box if they used their "Oops!" card, and, occasionally, write a 1/2 in a box if something is only half done!) 

How to you "do" homework?!


  1. I am moving from first to fourth grade this year and I think that this is a great system. I look forward to using it! Would you mind sharing the numbers you have on your pocket charts?

    My e-mail is

    Thank you in advance!!


  2. Stephanie, I just sent you the numbers!! :) Enjoy!

  3. Hi Janis! I love your homework tracker, but I need enough spots for 25 students. Do you have one made with that many? If you do, is there anyway you could email it to me?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. How do you have time to correct all their work in the morning?

  5. I am so glad to have stumbled across your encouraging, and extremely helpful, blog. I too have over 20 students and was wondering if I could get a copy of this fantastic tracker with slots for 25 kiddos. If at all possible, I would greatly appreciate it!

    My e-mail is:

    Thanks so much,

  6. I love this homework tracker! Could you send me a template that can include 25 children, if possible?
    My e-mail is:

    Thank you so much!


  7. I love this system. I have magnetic Bulldog Clips and my students clip their homework to their lockers in the morning. it is a quick visual for roll and who does not have their homework. It also allows them to get their homework quickly when it is time to check it.

  8. Do you have all your students turn in homework at the same time? That seems to be a lot of kids in one place at a time.

  9. Cool ideas! I need something like this at home!

  10. Could I also get a copy of one with 25 names!!?!?!?!?!? I LOVE THIS!!!!

  11. oops here is my email address!
